Friday, July 31, 2020

Safety Information for Women at Work

Security Information for Women at Work On the off chance that you are a working lady, in all probability you are presently leaving your office when it is dim or making up for lost time with your Christmas shopping after work when it is dark. This is the reason I needed to impart to you an ongoing email I got from my mom about the 10 vital advances that each lady should know to protect themselves in crisis situations. I had never heard the majority of these and am blameworthy of many (who doesnt sit in their vehicle and clean up their cosmetics or browse their email, etc?). I trust that you will peruse these tips and recollect them. Please additionally share with other ladies in your life. As long as this can help one lady, little girl, spouse, mother or companion be progressively cautious and maintain a strategic distance from a horrendous circumstance, at that point I realize this was worth posting. You never know, it could spare your life. Tip from Tae Kwon Do : The elbow is the most grounded point on your body. If you are sufficiently close to utilize it, do! In the event that a looter requests your wallet or potentially satchel, DO NOT HAND IT TO HIM. Toss it away from you.Chances are that he is progressively inspired by your wallet as well as handbag than you, and he will go for the wallet/purse. RUN LIKE MAD IN THE OTHER DIRECTION! In the event that you are ever tossed into the storage compartment of a vehicle, kick out the back tail lights and stick your arm out the opening and begin waving like there's no tomorrow.. The driver wont see you, yet every other person will. This has spared lives. Ladies tend to get into their vehicles in the wake of shopping, eating, working, and so forth., and simply sit (doing their chechbook, or making a rundown, and so on. DONT DO THIS!) The predator will watch you, and this is the ideal open door for him to get in on the traveler side, put a firearm to your head, and disclose to you where to go. When YOU GET INTO YOUR CAR , LOCK THE DOORS AND LEAVE. If somebody is in the vehicle with a firearm to your head DO NOT DRIVE OFF. Rather weapon the motor and speed into anything, destroying the car. Your air sack will spare you. If the individual is in the secondary lounge they will get the most exceedingly awful of it . As soon as the vehicle crashes rescue and run. A couple of notes about getting into your vehicle in a parking garage, or parking structure: A) Be mindful: check out you, investigate your vehicle, at the traveler side floor, and in the rearward sitting arrangement. B) If you are left close to a major van, enter your vehicle from the traveler door. Most sequential executioners assault their casualties by maneuvering them into their vans while the ladies are endeavoring to get into their vehicles. C) Look at the vehicle left on the drivers side of your vehicle, and the traveler side If a male is sitting alone in the seat closest your vehicle, you might need to stroll once again into the shopping center, or work, and get a watchman/cop to walk you back out. IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY. Continuously take the lift rather than the stairs. Stairwells are terrible spots to be separated from everyone else and the ideal wrongdoing spot. This is particularly obvious at NIGHT!) In the event that the predator has a weapon and you are not heavily influenced by him, ALWAYS RUN! The predator will just hit you (a running objective) 4 of every multiple times; and still, after all that, it probably WILL NOT be an indispensable organ. RUN, Preferably in a zig - cross example! As ladies, we are continually attempting to be thoughtful: STOP. It might get you assaulted, or slaughtered. Another Safety Point: If you hear an infant crying when you are home alone, dont go outside. Serial executioners have been known to record a babys cry and use it to urge ladies out of their homes. On the off chance that you wake up in the center of the night to hear every one of your taps outside running or what you believe is a blasted funnel, DO NOT GO OUT TO INVESTIGATE! These individuals turn on all your outside taps full ball with the goal that you will go out to examine and afterward assault. Remain alert and keep safe! (Photograph by Kelly Car Community)

Friday, July 24, 2020

Ep 230 - Accessibility, Training and Job Creation - Workology

Ep 230 - Accessibility, Training and Job Creation - Workology The topic of job creation might not be one you are thinking of now, but it is one that you should be considering as we look planning and working towards rebuilding our companies. We are presented with a very unique opportunity as we rebuild to think strategically on future job creation and how we can create inclusive hiring programs in underrepresented areas including people with disabilities. This podcast is sponsored by WorkMarket, an ADP Company.   Episode 230: Accessibility, Training and Job Creation with Shane Kanady of @SourceAmerica This episode of the Workology Podcast is part of our Future of Work series powered by PEAT, the Partnership on Employment Accessible Technology. In honor of the upcoming 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act this July, we’re investigating what the next 30 years will look like for people with disabilities at work, and the potential of emerging technologies to make workplaces more inclusive and accessible. Today, I’m joined by Shane Kanaday. He’s the Vice President of Workforce Development at Source America. Source America is a non-profit that connects customers to a national network of nonprofits who hire talented people with disabilities. Through this valuable network of nonprofits and their employees, Source America supplies products and services that meet the strictest quality standards at a competitive price. The Biggest Challenges Job Seekers with Disabilities Have in the Workforce Today Fundamentally, Shane says the biggest challenge that we see is a failure to recognize that persons with disabilities are diverse and have no shortage of skills or experiences that make them as important to the labor market as their non-disabled peers. He says this lack of recognition is pervasive and is long-standing. It is really the starting point for under-investment in accessible and inclusive education, training programs, recruitment, interviewing practices and everything that follows that. These things all precede the conversation around employment. And what Source America has found is when employers and businesses fail to recognize the value of others and the barriers to their inclusion. This was really profound for me because we really dont know what we dont know but together with allies and advocates we can help educate and drive awareness in accessibility and employment for people with disabilities. Conclusion Workforce planning needs to start now and as employers, we must take a look at new skill-building and staffing programs and initiatives. My hope is that we take this time to reflect. We know how competitive the market is for talent and where our gaps in skills, training, and people lie which means we can rebuild and taking what we know using it to our advantage to create a truly inclusive workplace job creation and training program that taps into all different kinds of talent pools including people with disabilities.   What I love about Shane’s interview is all the resources and information that are at our disposal right now to create truly inclusive and innovative job creation programs whether we are private or public companies or industries. I encourage you to check out the resources in this episode’s show notes to connect with Source America as well as the wealth of resources that Shane mentions in the interview.   The future of work series in partnership with PEAT is one of my favorites. Thank you to PEAT as well as our podcast sponsor Workology. Connect with Shane Kanady RECOMMENDED RESOURCES Buy IT!â€"Your Guide for Purchasing Accessible  Technology COVID-19 is reshaping the future of work for people with (shorter Medium article) How COVID-19 is Reshaping the Future of Work for Persons with Disabilities (full paper) Podcast transcript How to Subscribe to the Workology Podcast Stitcher | PocketCast | iTunes | Podcast RSS | Google Play | YouTube | TuneIn Find out how to be a guest on the Workology Podcast.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

5 Ways A Cover Letter Can Make or Break Your Application

5 Ways A Cover Letter Can Make or Break Your Application Introductory letters are an enormous agony to compose. Nobody likes keeping in touch with them and recruiting administrators don't invest a lot of energy perusing them This attitude of amount over quality is a twofold edged blade in the activity looking through domain. Clearly, the more applications you present, the more noteworthy your odds of getting interviewed.But then again, in case you're presenting a similar application with an ineffectively composed introductory letter to EVERY initial you discover, you're disrupting your odds of getting interviews.How can an introductory letter conceivably slaughter your odds of getting an interview?1. Wrong dateIf you're utilizing an introductory letter position like a customary letter in that the date is on the top, be certain you get the date right. To certain selection representatives or recruiting administrators, this little detail will represent the moment of truth your spread letter.Being off by a day or two isn't the apocalypse howev er on the off chance that a thorough individual is checking on your application, that is the stopping point for you. Being off by weeks, months, or even years is only level out inexcusable.2. Tending to an inappropriate personReferring to the peruser as Hiring Manager, Recruitment group, or avoiding any and all risks with just To Whom It May Concern is absolutely fine. You may not realize who will reach you for the meeting so keeping your greeting somewhat dubious is adequate. In any case, on the off chance that you don't know without a doubt who will inevitably peruse the letter, don't put a particular name down.Say you're utilizing an old contact name at an organization, however that individual's substitution is as yet getting their messages. That individual may believe that you're sending the letter to somebody at another organization and erase that email in response.3. Utilizing an undeniable templateevalIf you've never composed an introductory letter, at that point utilizing la youts will be a redeeming quality. In any case, they're simply formats; they can't independent by themselves.If you can't be tried to redo a layout by composing why you're really great fit for the activity, for what reason ought to employing administrators and selection representatives be tried to meet you?4. Loaded with typosPlease, for the love all that you hold precious on the planet, PROOFREAD YOUR COVER LETTER BEFORE SENDING IT OUT. This is particularly crucial in case you're applying for any sort of composing or correspondence job.If you can't or won't compose your own basic letter with any consideration or eye for spelling and language, for what reason should a recruiting supervisor even trouble perusing it?5. Has nothing to do with the jobevalTake care that you don't utilize the introductory letter for one employment when applying to a totally disconnected second occupation. In case you're going after a Financial Analyst position however your introductory letter references y our visual computerization experience, it's the endIn your scurry, energy, or edginess to get a new line of work, you may wind up carrying out one of these introductory letter wrongdoings. I know to some of you it appears sound judgment to edit your application and ensure it's totally impeccable before tapping the submit button.Just be certain you triple check everything and you're sure that your introductory letter is simply the best reflection. Truly check yourself before you wreck yourself!

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Top five formatting mistakes you must avoid when revising your resume - Hallie Crawford

Top five designing mix-ups you should stay away from when amending your resume All the suggestions and data underneath may not make a difference to your resume, anyway it should give you a superior comprehension of what businesses are searching for and how to best market your aptitudes for the position of premium. As you probably are aware, potential bosses seldom set aside the effort to peruse continues completely. Measurements show that businesses spend a maximum 10-15 seconds checking a list of qualifications to decide the competitor's fit before they choose to keep or hurl. Numerous components notwithstanding experience become possibly the most important factor in making sure your list of references makes it to the keep heap. This can include: Organizing: an eye-getting introduction can establish a tremendous connection versus one that looks and mixes in with the others, or one filled with designing irregularities. On the off chance that your résumé resembles the rest, it might be difficult to recognize it from the rest. Arranging errors can include: A: Usage of an excessive number of textual style styles B: Inconsistency in design, utilization of indents, tabs, textual style, shot style, accentuation, and spacing C: Too little page edges. Page edges ought to be least 0.6 D: Incorrect utilization of blank area. Blank area is your companion and can be utilized to emphasize and deemphasize data. On the off chance that you evacuate all accessible blank area, at that point your résumé looks like a page of square content â€" hard to peruse and positively not getting the information across rapidly. E: Overuse of intense, italics, underlines, and so forth. Note: don't utilize underlines â€" this can contort your data when examined into an Applicant Tracking System (APS). Ensure before you begin modifying your resume, you remember these tips. The substance is once they understood it, yet to guarantee they read it in any case, you should follow these arranging rules. what's more, Jasmine Marchong Affirmed Career Coach P.S. How would you know whether your resume is good? Take this Resume Quiz to discover how to keep your resume out of the junk can.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

First Impressions Are Critical

First Impressions Are Critical Several years ago, I was in charge of hiring at a local company. At the time, we had posted for two separate job openings and were advertising in several different mediums. In all of our advertisements, it said, “No Walk-Ins, Please.” Now, for most of us that means…do not come to our place of business. Businesses do this because they may not be able to take time out of the day to deal with hundreds of job applicants who come to the office. By the way, our advertisements also specified that a cover letter and resume were required to apply for the job. One morning, I met a young man at the door of our business. He was dressed in a dirty t-shirt, ripped shorts, and flip flops. Our conversation went something like this: Him: “I’m here to apply for the job.” Me: “Which job position are you interested in applying for?” Him: “The one in the newspaper.” Me: “Well, we are actually advertising for two positions at this time. Was it the assistant position?” Him: “Yeah, that must be it.” Me: “Well, we actually require our job applicants to send in a cover letter and resume. If you would like to do that, we will be reviewing them and then calling for interviews based upon your qualifications.” Him: “Oh…well…does the resume have to be typed?” Me: “Yes, it does.” Him: “Okay, thanks.” The potential job applicant then turned and left our office. Needless to say, I never did see his resume come across my desk. The point of the story? Please follow directions when applying for a job. The man clearly did not see the part of the advertisement that read, “No Walk-Ins, Please.” Secondly, the first impression of this candidate left A LOT to be desired. His dress, attitude, and demeanor all told me that this was one of many jobs he was applying for and he hadn’t taken the time to prepare for the potential job. It sounds simple, but sometimes it all goes back to the basics: follow directions, dress professionally, and be prepared.